Saturday, June 27, 2009

Marketing Meeting

So we had the marketing meeting with Nisha's label and I must admit that I was a little disappointed. I really thought that they would put more of an effort into the marketing of the album. It is a really good album and I know that people will love it but if it's not marketed correctly and people don't know it's available how will it sell. I didn't go in there with really high expectations because I knew they (the label) weren't Sony or Arista but I really am concerned about if they are going to do what they say they will and if it will be enough.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Geffen Records

I got an email from Geffen Records asking me to send my artist Nisha's press kit to them and that they were very interested in her. This is the best news yet so I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Album Available Nationwide!

So we just heard from the label that Nisha's album "The Metamorphosis" will be officially released nationwide on Tuesday, September 8th. This is very exciting she and I both are on cloud nine. Remember that you can buy it online at the labels website now at

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So I finally broke down and joined Twitter. At first I must admit I didn't know what it was about but now I know a little bit more. All that's to it is you read posts/messages that other people write and they can read yours. You follow them so whenever they write something you will get pinged and vice versa. I actually like it!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rodney Tremayne performing with The Harlem Gospel Singers

Is Change Really Good

So we got an email from the record label saying that our old marketing rep. was leaving and we now have a new rep. Now I've always heard that change was good but is it really? Our old rep. knew us and we had a great relationship with her but will we with this new guy?? Apparently he use to be a recording artist and should know how to deal with Nisha (my artist) but what does that mean. Our old rep. was with us from the beginning and was very vested in seeing Nisha succed so I hope this new guy will carry the torch. I'll certainly let you know! So is change really good, I'll get back to you on that.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Almost There

So we just heard from my artist Nisha's record label that we are entering into the marketing phase for her album that means that it will be released really soon. First all the songs have to be approved by the label; then they have to approve the artwork and we do too and then the marketing phase is the last thing that happens. This is where we (we means mostly the label) all decide what single will be released and then we talk about who we should market it to it's all very exciting. First the album is going to be only available through the label website and then it will be in stores and CD Now, CD Baby, iTunes, etc. There is a lot of work that goes into releasing an album but when it finally happens it would have all been worth the wait!