Monday, August 20, 2012

Still Waiting!

So it's been a while since I've posted here on our blog but please believe that I am still hanging in there. I'm still waiting for the Lord to bring to past what He said and I won't ever give up. Just finished reading a book by DeVon Franklin called "Produced By Faith", this book has changed my life and opened up my eyes to some things that I didn't realize. Sometimes when you are in the struggle you don't see what others can. That old saying "you can't see the forest because of the trees" is so true. The book speaks about knowing that God has called you to a task but having to wait until He brings it to past. DeVon is a Sony Pictures movie Executive and he parallels the making of a movie with God preparing us for the work that he has called us to do. There are different stages to making a movie just like we go through different stages in our lives. You can't skip a process but you have to go through each and every one. "Delayed" does not always mean "Denied", some things we are going to have to wait on and have faith in God to see them come to past. God will never put us in a position that we are not ready for! Just like a studio will never put a movie into a theater before it has gone through all the processes. Sometimes we think we are ready but we may not be, HE knows best and we have to trust that when it is our time He will bring us forth! So right now I'm waiting until it's my time, God told me to "build a Christian music empire" and I'm trusting him to decide when, where and how!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Year

I know that it's well into the new year but it's gearing up to be a good one! I've decided not to wait on a existing record label to sign my artists but I'm starting my own label!! I'm in much prayer about this decision and will make sure I hear from God before I jump the gun but it's time to take my destiny into my own hands. I'm beleiving God that he will provide the necessary financial means to achieve this goal, CAUSE IT AIN'T CHEAP! I want this to be done right and it will take money to achieve it. I know I don't need millions of dollars but again, I want the kind of money that would allow me to make a great project and have the ability to market it well.

I'll keep you posted on my progress and for those of you who can get a prayer to heaven, please send one up for me!