Thursday, December 30, 2010

Faith To Stand

As I look forward to 2011 and what God is going to do for me personally and for MVP Artist Management, I think about what it's going to take to see those things come to fruition. FAITH IS WHAT IT'S GOING TO TAKE! I think about the children of Israel and how God had promised to give them their own land flowing with milk and honey, it took them 40 years to see that land partly because of their own disobedience but many of them like Joshua believed the word of the Lord even though it may have seemed like it wasn't going to happen. I think about my own situation with starting my company three years ago and I haven't seen the success that I have been hoping and praying for and I wonder Lord when! But I can't give up I've got to have "Faith To Stand" even when I don't see it. I'm on my grind everyday making contacts for my artists trying to get labels and booking agents to pay attention and realize the talent and gift that's in them. I never thought for one minute that it was going to be easy but I will admit that I thought I would be further along than I am now. I keep going because of Faith! Faith is not only a fact but it is also an act, I've got to keep on grinding until my change comes. We need the kind of faith that does not just sit back and say "what will be will be" but we need the kind of faith that goes out and makes it happen. We've got to stand on God's word and declare that it will be and then receive the blessing!

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