Thursday, January 3, 2013


Well, we've made it another year Praise God! I am starting the year off with great expectation! What God started for us in 2012 He will continue in 2013 and I am looking forward to seeing Him "show up" and "show out"! I didn't get everything I wanted last year but I will keep the faith and continue to stand on His word, HE WILL DO JUST WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO!! Making some moves and I can't wait to see where He will lead me this year!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Still Waiting!

So it's been a while since I've posted here on our blog but please believe that I am still hanging in there. I'm still waiting for the Lord to bring to past what He said and I won't ever give up. Just finished reading a book by DeVon Franklin called "Produced By Faith", this book has changed my life and opened up my eyes to some things that I didn't realize. Sometimes when you are in the struggle you don't see what others can. That old saying "you can't see the forest because of the trees" is so true. The book speaks about knowing that God has called you to a task but having to wait until He brings it to past. DeVon is a Sony Pictures movie Executive and he parallels the making of a movie with God preparing us for the work that he has called us to do. There are different stages to making a movie just like we go through different stages in our lives. You can't skip a process but you have to go through each and every one. "Delayed" does not always mean "Denied", some things we are going to have to wait on and have faith in God to see them come to past. God will never put us in a position that we are not ready for! Just like a studio will never put a movie into a theater before it has gone through all the processes. Sometimes we think we are ready but we may not be, HE knows best and we have to trust that when it is our time He will bring us forth! So right now I'm waiting until it's my time, God told me to "build a Christian music empire" and I'm trusting him to decide when, where and how!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Year

I know that it's well into the new year but it's gearing up to be a good one! I've decided not to wait on a existing record label to sign my artists but I'm starting my own label!! I'm in much prayer about this decision and will make sure I hear from God before I jump the gun but it's time to take my destiny into my own hands. I'm beleiving God that he will provide the necessary financial means to achieve this goal, CAUSE IT AIN'T CHEAP! I want this to be done right and it will take money to achieve it. I know I don't need millions of dollars but again, I want the kind of money that would allow me to make a great project and have the ability to market it well.

I'll keep you posted on my progress and for those of you who can get a prayer to heaven, please send one up for me!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still Waiting

What do you do when you've been waiting on God to come through with what he promised? How long do wait for your change to come? What happens when your dreams seem like they are so far away? What do you do when you don't see a harvest from the seeds that you have sown? Job said that all of his appointed time would be spent waiting on the Lord. Paul said having done all to stand keep standing. The Bible says that they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Even though it seems like we have been waiting forever we can't give up we have to stay in the race. We have to let patience have her perfect work in our lives. We have to keep believing; to keep praying; to keep trusting and know that all things work together for the good to them that love God. You can't give up because to loose your position would be to loose your dream. We have to be in the right place at all times so we won't miss our blessing. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It is now August 2011 and now MVP has only one artist on it's roster and that is Tony Dorsey. If it's one thing I've learned in this life and that is "everything changes" nothing stays the same. Some changes are good and some changes are bad; I guess that's up to each individual to decide. My friend Jamie always says "when life gives you lemons make lemonade". It's important how we take the changes; I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come into your life to serve their purpose and then sometimes they leave then its up to us to discover why they were there in first place. I think that for every experience we must learn the lesson or we will not grow. Some people are strategically placed in your life to cause opposition to make you grow and pray more and then some are placed in our lives to sow into us and help us achieve what God has called us to do. We must stay close to the Holy Spirit in prayer to be able to distinguish which is which. We must stay in the right place with God so he can lead and guide us.

I have learned a lot in the last year and have grown spiritually, especially in the area of sowing and reaping. I truly believe that my breakthrough is here and now and I am about to see the manifestation of the promises of God. I am about to bask in the glory of my Harvest from the seeds that I have sown. MVP Artist Management is coming even now to the forefront of the music industry. God told me to build him a Christian empire and I have set my hands, heart and mind to do it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Brighter Days

I know it's been a while since we last spoke, I've been very busy working to get MVP Artist Management up and running and let me tell you, it ain't easy. Lost one of my artists (even though it was a mutual decision) due to the fact that we were going down separate roads. Not sure where the plan changed but.... If the client isn't listening to the manager and doing things their own way then it's time to separate. I trust God and I have a promise and mandate that he gave me, to BUILD HIM A CHRISTIAN EMPIRE! God is not slack concerning His promise, if He spoke it then He will surely bring it to pass. Got an opportunity to work with an up and coming label and they want me to run their A&R department so we are in talks and hopefully it will be finalized really soon. There is so much talent out there just ready for someone to bring them to the forefront. I'm excited to see what God is going to do for MVP this year!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am sitting here watching the Billboard Music Awards and I'm thinking to myself "when will my change come?". I see all these artist's and record tycoon's sitting in the audience, receiving awards and I know that in my heart the day will come when the Lord will bless me and my artist's with properity and top 10 albums on the billboard "Christian/Gospel" charts. Until that time comes I will wait patiently on God and allow him to order my steps. Both of my artist's are working on their albums although one of them is almost done and the other seems to be at a standstill but we are still believing God for two great projects. We have the interest of an Infinity/Central South distributed label and I have faith that God will and has given us favor with them. Somebody once told me that "favor ain't fair" and I totally believe that, sometimes God will give us things that we don't even deserve and will put us before people that we otherwise would never have met. One thing that I know is that He is faithful to his promises, if He told you something then He will bring it to pass!