Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still Waiting

What do you do when you've been waiting on God to come through with what he promised? How long do wait for your change to come? What happens when your dreams seem like they are so far away? What do you do when you don't see a harvest from the seeds that you have sown? Job said that all of his appointed time would be spent waiting on the Lord. Paul said having done all to stand keep standing. The Bible says that they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Even though it seems like we have been waiting forever we can't give up we have to stay in the race. We have to let patience have her perfect work in our lives. We have to keep believing; to keep praying; to keep trusting and know that all things work together for the good to them that love God. You can't give up because to loose your position would be to loose your dream. We have to be in the right place at all times so we won't miss our blessing. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It is now August 2011 and now MVP has only one artist on it's roster and that is Tony Dorsey. If it's one thing I've learned in this life and that is "everything changes" nothing stays the same. Some changes are good and some changes are bad; I guess that's up to each individual to decide. My friend Jamie always says "when life gives you lemons make lemonade". It's important how we take the changes; I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come into your life to serve their purpose and then sometimes they leave then its up to us to discover why they were there in first place. I think that for every experience we must learn the lesson or we will not grow. Some people are strategically placed in your life to cause opposition to make you grow and pray more and then some are placed in our lives to sow into us and help us achieve what God has called us to do. We must stay close to the Holy Spirit in prayer to be able to distinguish which is which. We must stay in the right place with God so he can lead and guide us.

I have learned a lot in the last year and have grown spiritually, especially in the area of sowing and reaping. I truly believe that my breakthrough is here and now and I am about to see the manifestation of the promises of God. I am about to bask in the glory of my Harvest from the seeds that I have sown. MVP Artist Management is coming even now to the forefront of the music industry. God told me to build him a Christian empire and I have set my hands, heart and mind to do it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Brighter Days

I know it's been a while since we last spoke, I've been very busy working to get MVP Artist Management up and running and let me tell you, it ain't easy. Lost one of my artists (even though it was a mutual decision) due to the fact that we were going down separate roads. Not sure where the plan changed but.... If the client isn't listening to the manager and doing things their own way then it's time to separate. I trust God and I have a promise and mandate that he gave me, to BUILD HIM A CHRISTIAN EMPIRE! God is not slack concerning His promise, if He spoke it then He will surely bring it to pass. Got an opportunity to work with an up and coming label and they want me to run their A&R department so we are in talks and hopefully it will be finalized really soon. There is so much talent out there just ready for someone to bring them to the forefront. I'm excited to see what God is going to do for MVP this year!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am sitting here watching the Billboard Music Awards and I'm thinking to myself "when will my change come?". I see all these artist's and record tycoon's sitting in the audience, receiving awards and I know that in my heart the day will come when the Lord will bless me and my artist's with properity and top 10 albums on the billboard "Christian/Gospel" charts. Until that time comes I will wait patiently on God and allow him to order my steps. Both of my artist's are working on their albums although one of them is almost done and the other seems to be at a standstill but we are still believing God for two great projects. We have the interest of an Infinity/Central South distributed label and I have faith that God will and has given us favor with them. Somebody once told me that "favor ain't fair" and I totally believe that, sometimes God will give us things that we don't even deserve and will put us before people that we otherwise would never have met. One thing that I know is that He is faithful to his promises, if He told you something then He will bring it to pass!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

HE Is Doing Great Things / State Of The Music Industry

Hey everyone I know it's been a while since we last spoke but the Lord is doing wonderful things for us at MVP Artist Management. I have been in talks with a "reputable" record label distributed by Infinity/Central South that is very interested in my artists. The music industry has changed a lot in the past several years. There used to be a time when all you needed was talent and a good look but that is not the case anymore. Now, they want you to come ready "out the gate" with a finished mixed and mastered project with artwork. There is no such thing as "artist development" anymore; they don't have the time to make sure that you are ready to go, you must already be ready to go. Where I don't disagree with this new direction because after all if you as the artist will not make an investment in your music/career then why should a record label. Music sales are down and they are not making the money they used to make. Even major labels are cleaning house which is why we are seeing an insurgence of artists going to independent labels. Selling 300,000 copies on an independent label is more lucarative to an artist than selling 500,000 copies on a major label. Most independent's will give you more piece of the pie than a major. As a manager people send me substandard music all the time asking for me to manage them. If you don't take the time to make sure that your music is marketable neither myself any other manager nor any record label will take you serious. Take the time to do it right because sometimes in this business you only get one shot!! Put some money behind it, we know that you probably don't have a lot of money but put forth an effort. Make sure your songs have great lyrics a catchy hook and some good music and you may just have a shot, without these things you are pretty much wasting your time!

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Oscars

One of my favorite things about watching the Oscars are all the comments on the blogs and news shows the next day. Today, I read quote's by Idris Elba and Anthony Mackie in the "Rolling Out" news blog. For those of you who don't know what Rolling Out is, it is a entertainment blog geared towards African American entertainment news. Idris's comment was about how there was not one single black person nominated for any awards last night (now I didn't see the whole show so I don't know if this is true) and Anthony's comment was about how "Black Hollywood" needs to get together and make our own movies. Idris took a shot at Tyler Perry and said how he needs to stop making a mockery out of "black culture" with the character Madea and then the article mentions Martin Lawrence's "Big Momma's House". As I think about this subject it is my conclusion that these black directors are bringing to the screen what the black audience will go see. The problem in my opinion is not the black directors but it is the black audience. It has been my experience that black movie goers do not support black movies unless they are sexually explicit or full of comedy. When directors like Spike Lee and John Singleton attempt to bring movies other than comedy's to the big screen black movie goers as a whole stay home!! Now, this does not in any way speak against Tyler Perry because I like his movies also. In every black family there is a Madea and when I see that character on the big screen it brings back memories of my Grandmother who passed sometime ago, she was our Madea always teaching us lessons that she would say "you may not understand now but when Grandma is dead and gone you will remember these words". I think that there is a place for black comedy's and for serious thought provoking black films but as I said earlier what will the audience pay to see. If these studio heads saw that we as a people will go see the "Rosewood" and the "Miracle at St. Anna" films(which by the way were both excellent films)then they will put them on the big screen. But why are they going to waste their time and money when we won't speed our time and money?

So whose to blame, the black directors or the black movie goers????

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eye Of Faith To The Future

We can be assured that every promise God has made to us will come to pass. He has sworn it by Himself and by His oath! God doesn't want the standard of how people think in the world to be the final word, so He goes beyond that. His desire is to show us convincingly and beyond a shadow of a doubt that His promises will be fufilled to those of us who have put our trust in him.

If God has given you a vision; if He has given you a ministry; if He has made promises to you then do not look to the greatness of the task before you, but look to the greatness of God. Do not look to your own abilities to claim God's promises or fulfill your vision.

When the vision was first given to Abraham, his past had been unproductive and his present was unproductive, but he did not accept the fact that he and his wife Sarah were too old to concieve a child. God had promised that he would have a son and he believed regardless of how the situation looked. Perhaps your past has been spiritually unproductive and your present is still unfruitful but God is instilling in you a new vision for His purposse. As Abraham looked with the eyes of faith into the future so must we if we are to recieve the promises of God!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dealing With Fear

God does not intend for you to ever be bound by the spirit of fear. He does not intend that your mind be tormented, oppressed, or obessed by the spirit of fear. He has given all Christians a spirit of Power! The fearlessness and boldness which God has planned to be manifested in your life is imparted to you through the power of the Holy Spirit. I've learned that there are four strategy's to overcome fear:

Strategy 1 - Recognize fear for what it is, SIN.

Strategy 2 - Identify the fears that have gained a stronghold in your mind and deal with them in the spirit by casting them out in Jesus' name.

Strategy 3 - Resist every attempt of satan to fill your mind with fear.

Strategy 4 - You must get your eyes focused upon God and release your trust in him.

Fear will destroy your life and cause you to miss the blessings that God has for you. Don't let fear have the victory in your life!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seek First The Kingdom

Every child of God needs to be a person of purpose and direction. A strong sense of purpose not only fosters the respect and admiration of others, it is essential to fulfilling your destiny. Jesus made it clear what our purpose should be:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his rightousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

If we seek God's will first - His kingdom and purposes - then all other things will be supernaturally provided. You will have the strength you need to accomplish God's plan. You will have the abilities required and the necessary finances. You will have the supernatural power equal to the vision God gives you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Catch The Vision

To prepare ourselves to receive the River of God we must renew our spiritual focus, we must catch the vision of what God is preparing to do. The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18 that where there is no vision, the people perish. All over the world there are Christians who are perishing and dying spiritually. Their lives are routine; there is no spiritual excitement. They have no goal or purpose; no spiritual vision or focus. If you feel there is something more to Christianity than the routine into which your life has fallen then let God instill in you - or renew in you - spiritual vision. Let God raise in you new purpose, meaning and vitality to fulfill your destiny!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let The River Flow

When this great River of God begins to flow over us, the focus will not be on the channel it flows through; the movement, denomination or human vessel but the focus will be on the water itself! The flow of this divin river will be so powerful, so unlimited and so God directed that no one will be able to take credit for it. It will not be the work of man but the work of the Holy Spirit. Everywhere the river flows; everything it touches will live! God wants us to claim our inheritance so we can be a blessing to the nations of the world he wants the river of His manifested presence to flow through us into the world. LET THE RIVER FLOW!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lets Choose To Obey God!

Our victories in life are not based upon our human strength and abilities. They are not based upon the strengths and weaknesses of our enemies. Our victories are dependent upon Gods ability! He has set before us a new spiritual territory and He has told us to take possesion of it. His one requirement is "OBEDIENCE"! Our ability to walk in 100% obedience to God is not dependent upon our own limited strength but it is dependent up Gods ability. If we keep our eyes on our own strength we will fail!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marching Into The Unknown

Ahead of us lies the unknown; what trials will we face this year? What victories await us? What changes will occur throughout the world and how will our personal lives, our ministeries and families be impacted in the coming months? As I pause to reflect on the coming days I think that we are much like the children of Israel who came to the border of the promised land. Ahead of them lay the unknown, a land they had not seen an enemy they had not heard of. There were tremendous blessings ahead but there were also some battles that awaited them on the other side of Jordan, the same is true for us. We also don't know the joys and sorrows, victories and problems that lie ahead. But one thing is for sure, we have the same words of assurance that God gave to Joshua:
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest (Joshua 1:9)

Amen to that!

Undiscovered Talent

So I'm managing two extremely talented artists Rodney Archie and Tony Dorsey (scroll down to listen to their music) who write all their own music and have been recording and performing for many years. I have sent their press kits to over 50 record labels and booking agents in hopes that someone will recognize their talent and sign them. If anyone out there feels like I do that all these men need is that one shot then let me know. I certainly wish that I had the money to put the product out myself because I know it would sell. So I'm still on the grind; walking the beat making contacts on their behalf until someone recognizes that there is money to be made with these two.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Limits!

The life that God wants to operate in and through you will take you beyond the boundaries of your natural desires and experiences. It will move you out of your comfort zone. There will be no limits to the work that God is going to do in and through you.. No horizons. No boundaries. Your circumstances may be difficult. There may be darkness all around you, but the word of the Lord to you today is:
Arise, shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1-2)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Pause today and think about all the things that God has done for you in the past. Think of all the victories you have won and all the prayers that have been answered. Today, you are at the border of a new land - a new year, a new vision, a new ministry, a new step of faith. GOD HAS POSITIONED YOU FOR VICTORY! He will go before you leading, instructing, protecting and guiding.